We build ports and port infrastructures, including quay protection breakwaters, using a wide range of construction and engineering techniques.
In this field, we highlight the following works:
Breakwaters construction
Rotation basins and dredging/deepening
Ramps and port yards
Breakwater protection layers rehabilitation and reprofiling with riprap, or pre-cast concrete elements (tetrapods, antifer blocks, core-locs, among others)
Construction of quays in caissons
Quay building using gravity blocks
Quay building using pilings
Coastal protection and engineering
Port of Leixões, Portugal | North Breakwater reprofiling
Port of Nazaré, Portugal | North Breakwater reprofiling
Port of Madalena, Azores-Portugal | Inner Breakwater construction
Port of Figueira da Foz, Portugal | North Breakwater reprofiling
Port of Malabo, Equatorial Guinea | Construction of a -9.00m (CD) wharf in caissons